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Thursday, September 22, 2011

A little setback is actually a "set up" for me! Master Cleanse is my answer!

Last month in a church function, I donated blood.  And of course, right before the blood donation, I drank some tea with milk and sugar.  After a few weeks, I decided to check my cholesterol level from the Carter blood bank website to see how "WELL" I do.

Not to my surprise, my overall Cholesterol had creeped up on me again.  It went up to 210.  It is really not a shock to me especially I had been eating bad.  I had indulged myself in tons of red meat and unhealthy carbs.  I also think that the TEA that I drank before the blood donation did affect the result a bit.

Anyway, with no excuses, I started my detox yesterday.  Finally, I decided to go all out for this.   I want to see a big change in my cholesterol and my health. 

I am going for the "Master Cleanse Detox".  The Detox that people called it the Beyonce "Diet" because Beyonce had tried it and she lost 20 pounds in a week.  This is really not a diet program.  It is DETOX.  It helps to get rid of all of the toxin in your system.  I have lived 43 years with all the pollutants and junk in my body and I do feel the need to get rid of them once in a while.  I guess this will be a good start for me to rethink about the life that I have been living and what harm I have been doing to myself just because I want a few minutes of pleasure from eating all these greasy, arteries clotting food.

So the following blog is about my long 10 days journey of the Master Cleanse Detox:

Day 1 (Sept 21 2011) Wednesday

I woke up feeling energized because I went to my bootcamp in the morning.  It takes a lot of will power for me to start this master cleanse but I need to stay with it.  I want to see the result.  Yesterday was my worse day because I tried to start the cleanse in the daytime and the dinner that I cooked for my family totally got to me.  I cheated and went back to square one.

So today, I decided that I have to change a bit on my lemonade consumption.  I am going to drink half of the lemonade (32 oz) in the daytime and half (another 32 oz) during dinner so that I will not get that hungry towards the end of the day.  And I did it.  I even went to the bathroom twice,  once in the morning and once at night.  I felt relieve. 

I weighed myself and I am 111 lb.  I have not lost any more weight but this is a definitely good start.  Again, this is really to clean my system and not a DIET. On the side note, I have almost forgotten to mention, I got really grumpy today. I was nasty to my family and my co workers.  It must be the side effect of this diet. I guess the craving of food is driving my insane. I hope I will be nicer to people tomorrow.

Day 2 (Sept 22 2011) Thursday

I felt weak this morning, I little bit on the dizzy side.  When my kids were sitting down at the dining table, I apologized to them. I said I was wrong for getting mean and mad at them.  They accepted my apology.

They actually are pretty good kids and sometimes, they are just trying to be kids.  I really should appreciate them more. 

Anyway, more on the progress of the "Master Cleanse".  Since I had to go to work in the morning, I drank like 2 glasses of lemonade before I left my house.  I went to the bathroom once right after I woke up.  It is just not normal for me to be able to go that early in the morning but I did it. It made me feel good and clean. 
I think the "master cleanse" has started cleaning my system out and the best part of it is I do not experience any cramping.  I did the salt water the day before yesterday but it was so nasty that I can't do it any more.
I am just sticking with some "smooth move" tea in the morning and some green tea at night. 
Like I mentioned earlier, I felt a bit weak and tired. I think this is also part of the side effect and I actually don't feel hungry yet.
I don't know how I am going to react again tonight but I will keep my fingers crossed!
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