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Friday, September 30, 2011

So here I am on the weight in day for the Belly Blast contest....9/30/2011

So I stopped blogging about my detox because I just had a lot of problems only drinking the lemonade with Cayenne pepper and maple syrup.  I did not get any energy during my detox and I felt shaky.
I didn't like the detox at all. I have heard a lot of people liking the result and they feel good afterwards. To me, it is just opposite.  I did not lose too much weight over this and I don't like the constant craving for food kind of feeling.  So I kind of did the master cleanse detox for a week and decided to keep eating healthy. I basically keep my meals small and basic.  I want to eat enough to get my metablism going and at the same time stop my craving.  I don't want to end up eating more than I should. 
So today Friday, is the official weight in day.  All of the girls who participate in the Belly Blast Contest would need to weight in. In our class, there are 5 girls in the contest but only me and another girl stepped on the scale.
I don't know why other girls quit because I do see them losing a lot of weigh for this. Why do they give up at the last minute? I don't know.

So the critical time came, I stepped on the scale and there I was 12 pounds lighter after 21 days of healthy eating. I am glad but I actually want to lose more.   I feel that I could have done better.   I guess as long as my jeans fit better that is a big improvement. I have not checked my cholesterol yet. My plan is to wait till next year when I do my physical.  I want to keep my healthy diet a habit. I want to eat well and make it my routine.  If I can keep my good eating habit going, I will be able to see a good result by next year.  So hopefully, my plan will work out.

I probably will not win this belly blast contest since there are 100 + gals in this. I do want to win myself. I want to kick my bad habit and start something good for myself. 

I will keep blogging and let you know what my healthy meals are and hopefully, it will be able to help some people here.

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

A little setback is actually a "set up" for me! Master Cleanse is my answer!

Last month in a church function, I donated blood.  And of course, right before the blood donation, I drank some tea with milk and sugar.  After a few weeks, I decided to check my cholesterol level from the Carter blood bank website to see how "WELL" I do.

Not to my surprise, my overall Cholesterol had creeped up on me again.  It went up to 210.  It is really not a shock to me especially I had been eating bad.  I had indulged myself in tons of red meat and unhealthy carbs.  I also think that the TEA that I drank before the blood donation did affect the result a bit.

Anyway, with no excuses, I started my detox yesterday.  Finally, I decided to go all out for this.   I want to see a big change in my cholesterol and my health. 

I am going for the "Master Cleanse Detox".  The Detox that people called it the Beyonce "Diet" because Beyonce had tried it and she lost 20 pounds in a week.  This is really not a diet program.  It is DETOX.  It helps to get rid of all of the toxin in your system.  I have lived 43 years with all the pollutants and junk in my body and I do feel the need to get rid of them once in a while.  I guess this will be a good start for me to rethink about the life that I have been living and what harm I have been doing to myself just because I want a few minutes of pleasure from eating all these greasy, arteries clotting food.

So the following blog is about my long 10 days journey of the Master Cleanse Detox:

Day 1 (Sept 21 2011) Wednesday

I woke up feeling energized because I went to my bootcamp in the morning.  It takes a lot of will power for me to start this master cleanse but I need to stay with it.  I want to see the result.  Yesterday was my worse day because I tried to start the cleanse in the daytime and the dinner that I cooked for my family totally got to me.  I cheated and went back to square one.

So today, I decided that I have to change a bit on my lemonade consumption.  I am going to drink half of the lemonade (32 oz) in the daytime and half (another 32 oz) during dinner so that I will not get that hungry towards the end of the day.  And I did it.  I even went to the bathroom twice,  once in the morning and once at night.  I felt relieve. 

I weighed myself and I am 111 lb.  I have not lost any more weight but this is a definitely good start.  Again, this is really to clean my system and not a DIET. On the side note, I have almost forgotten to mention, I got really grumpy today. I was nasty to my family and my co workers.  It must be the side effect of this diet. I guess the craving of food is driving my insane. I hope I will be nicer to people tomorrow.

Day 2 (Sept 22 2011) Thursday

I felt weak this morning, I little bit on the dizzy side.  When my kids were sitting down at the dining table, I apologized to them. I said I was wrong for getting mean and mad at them.  They accepted my apology.

They actually are pretty good kids and sometimes, they are just trying to be kids.  I really should appreciate them more. 

Anyway, more on the progress of the "Master Cleanse".  Since I had to go to work in the morning, I drank like 2 glasses of lemonade before I left my house.  I went to the bathroom once right after I woke up.  It is just not normal for me to be able to go that early in the morning but I did it. It made me feel good and clean. 
I think the "master cleanse" has started cleaning my system out and the best part of it is I do not experience any cramping.  I did the salt water the day before yesterday but it was so nasty that I can't do it any more.
I am just sticking with some "smooth move" tea in the morning and some green tea at night. 
Like I mentioned earlier, I felt a bit weak and tired. I think this is also part of the side effect and I actually don't feel hungry yet.
I don't know how I am going to react again tonight but I will keep my fingers crossed!
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Thursday, September 15, 2011

I just lost 5 pounds doing my detox for 3 days!

This is the begining of a very good and rewarding journey.  I have joined the "Belly Blast" contest at my local bootcamp fit club.  I started my detox on Sept 9th and 3 days later, I lost 5 pounds.  I am not kidding you about my weigh.  Some of the girls in our fit club lost up to 10 pounds within 3 days.

Here is what you need to do.  You only eat salad (no iceberg lettuce because they are not as good as the "green" salad), drink "GREEN smoothie" and water 3 days in a row. 

The Green smoothie is very easy to make. 

Here is the recipe:


-1 cup of Spinach (frozen spinach prefer organic)
-3 big size strawberry (frozen strawberry or fresh prefer organic)
-1/2 banana (ripe)
-stevia or 1 teaspoons of wild honey (don't use other sugar substitute)
-1/2 cup of water (if you want the smoothie to be richer, put less water)

After putting all the stuff in your blender, just blend it and enjoy the sweetness of the SPINACH.  It really tastes good!  You got to try it!